SadButMadLad's Blog

Just another blog complaining about anything and everything

Posts Tagged ‘efficiency drive

Sofa government

The old New Labour government spent some £2.8m on an efficiency drive when they were in power. This was not across a number of departments. No. This was at the Department for Communities and Local Government. One single department.

In the twisted logic of the left, they decided that spending £2.8m was worthwhile in making efficiencies. Maybe it was if they saved £3m or more. However from reports it doesn’t seem like they mad good use of the money. One of the things they spent the £2.8m on was sofas. Bright red sofas. With high backs. Posh ones at that. Designer ones. Ones which have “I saw you coming” type prices. £4120 each. They bought 28 of them at an overall cost of £115K. They must have been very special sofas for the department to think that it would make the department “more practical” and save money.

This waste was announced by Eric Pickles, Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government, who said: “As sure as day turns to night, Labour Governments waste your money.

“Struggling families and pensioners will be outraged that their hard-earned cash has been used to pay for luxury designer sofas to create a ‘peaceful oasis’ for council tax officials.

“This shows the total disregard the last Labour government had for the public purse.”


More waste identified here –

Written by sbml

June 12, 2010 at 21:55